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Posh Hot Dogs


Bonfire night is fast approaching and your night will not be complete without these delicious 'posh' hot dogs.

Made using our posh hot dog seasoning and topped with fried onions, pickled red onions and bacon, these are guaranteed to be a hit amongst your friends and family!


  • 400g pork mince

  • 400g beef mince

  • 100g posh hot dog mix

  • sausage casings (natural or collagen)

  • 8 rashers streaky bacon

  • 1 onion - finely sliced

  • 2tbsp pickled red onions

  • 2tbsp truffle mayonnaise

  • Hot dog buns


  1. Add the minced meat & sausage mix to a large bowl and combine, add 100ml cold water and mix thoroughly, the mix should be well binded.

  2. Fill the sausage meat into casings using a sausage stuffer - use a little oil on your hands to make this easier.

  3. Chop the bacon rashers and add them to a hot pan, cook until crisp and the oils have released - remove the bacon and add the sliced onion to the same pan - cook for approximately 5 mins or until soft.

  4. Cook the sausages as preferred - we recommend grilling or air frying.

  5. Toast the buns lightly under the grill before slicing, add the sausage and top with the truffle mayo, onions, pickled onions and crispy bacon.

  6. Enjoy & try not to eat them all at once!

Video Tutorial - sausage making

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